60 Haie Escallonia Rubra

Fire resistant for defensible space.
Haie escallonia rubra. Flowers are red or crimson in 1 to 3 inches clusters. Escallonia rubra called redclaws and red escallonia is a species in the family escalloniaceae which is native to southern chile and neighboring areas of argentina. Genus escallonia are evergreen shrubs with glossy leathery toothed leaves sometimes sticky and 5 petalled white pink or red flowers in terminal racemes or panicles in summer and early autumn details crimson spire is a vigorous medium sized evergreen shrub with rather large glossy dark green leaves. Rose red flowers bloom sporadically throught the year. Much used as a screen or hedge especially near the coast. Leaves are smooth very glossy dark green. Likes sun or part shade and regular water.
Ses feuilles sont plus grandes que les autres et ses fleurs sont d un rose vif et lumineux. Crimson spire is an upright grower with large bright crimson flowers. For the most part our red escallonia hedge plants are grown here in the uk by our horticultural specialists who have a wealth of expert growing knowledge. Escallonia rubra rapid growing rounded evergreen broadleaf shrub to 15 feet tall and wide. It is grown in many other areas such as australia. L escallonia rubra a donné naissance à la plupart des hybrides qui diffèrent principalement par leur taille vigoureuse ou couvre sol et par leurs floraisons blanches rose pâle à cramoisi. Cultivated as a garden and hedging plant it has become naturalized in western europe oregon in the united states and new zealand and is considered invasive in places.
Can be kept much smaller by pruning. Escallonia rubra macrantha hedge plants are available to order as pot grown plants all year. Certains cultivars comme escallonia donard seedling se montrent plus rustiques 15 c que la plupart des escallonias qui offrent une rusticité médiocre de l ordre de 5 à 10 c. J ai observé la même chose avec la haie d escallonia qui entoure mon jardin sur 50 m de long. Pour ralentir le phénomène je. Cela fait trois ans que cela dure et par endroit il n y a plus du tout de feuilles. Occasionally we source escallonia rubra macrantha hedging from carefully chosen horticultural authorities outside of britain making sure that.