57 Cotoneaster Horizontalis Fleur

It is invaluable in shade although its crops of neat pink flowers and bright red berries are more prolific in full sun.
Cotoneaster horizontalis fleur. Small rounded dark green leaves give an almost lacy look to its branches. Slow growing cotoneaster horizontalis rock cotoneaster is a spreading deciduous shrub with flat and stiff regularly branched sprays in a strict herring bone pattern. It is completely deciduous in colder climates but only partially in more temperate ones. Facile de culture le cotoneaster horizontalis s adapte bien à tout sol fertile et bien drainé même calcaire en situation ensoleillée ou en ombre légère. Cotoneaster horizontalis has excellent late colour but is also popular for the characteristic herringbone pattern of its stems which develop into a decorative basketwork across the ground or on a wall according to how it is trained. Il est introduit en europe depuis des années et il est couramment utilisé par les services des espaces vert. Originaire de chine 2 c est une espèce de la famille des rosacées utilisée comme plante ornementale et couvre sol sur certains talus urbains et routiers notamment.
The branches are studded with small glossy leaves that warm up to orange and red in fall. You will need to remove one or two unwanted seedlings every year. Peu exigeant il se contentera d une taille d équilibre en mars pour lui conserver une forme prostrée. Cotoneaster horizontalis est le nom scientifique du cotonéaster horizontal ou cotonéaster rampant 1. Latin names and the floras used previous cotoneaster tomentosus cotoneaster franchetii next. En tant que couvre sol dense et. Mellifère en mai des fleurs simples à 5 pétales.
Small 5 petaled pink tinged white flowers are produced in late spring. Le cotonéaster rampant cotoneaster horizontalis est un arbuste caduc très rustique originaire d asie de la famille des rosacées. Rock cotoneaster shrubs offer a nice example of a plant with four season interest these rose family members produce light pink flowers in late spring and their unusual branching pattern hosts glossy green leaves in summer but rock cotoneasters really come into their own in autumn. Flore de la france méditerranée 2014. Cotoneaster horizontalis is an excellent choice. Latin consistent with taxref bdtfx inpn. Used by tela botanica on line 2020 and flora gallica 2014.
It has small oval dark green slightly hairy leaves that turn bronzy purple in autumn. But on balance its self. What s in a name. The main cultivational problem is not how to grow cotoneaster horizontalis but how to stop it growing.