[Download] 59 Berberis Microphylla

Berberis microphylla in the germplasm resources information network grin u s.
Berberis microphylla. Berberis microphylla grow and care shrub of the genus berberis also known as calafate fruit berberis microphylla perennial deciduous plant grow in temperate climate and growing in hardiness zone 6 8. Berberis microphylla common name box leaved barberry and magellan barberry in spanish calafate and michay and other names is an evergreen shrub with simple shiny box like leaves. The calafate is native to southern argentina and chile and is a symbol of patagonia. Title plants for a future author ken fern description notes from observations tasting etc at plants for a future and on field trips. The bush grows to a height of 1 0 to 1 5 m 3 ft 3 in to 4 ft 11 in. Berberis microphylla pygmaea dwarf box leaf barberry will reach a height of 0 6m and a spread of 0 6m after 10 20 years. Berberis microphylla join the rhs today and get 12 months for the price of 9.
Why are there no more details. Long known as berberis buxifolia taxonomists have found an earlier name for the plant and so now it needs to be called berberis microphylla k. In time we will be adding more details including a description growing information advice and. Leaves color green in linear shape the plant is thorny flower color yellow in bell trumpet shape grow on stems. Department of agriculture agricultural research service. This plant is listed in the rhs plant finder book.